Tactile Paintings. Should computers or artists interpret paintings for the visually impaired and bl
Art & Audio Description Symposium "Bridging the Gaps....." (Ways of Seeing Art) and my
DASH Arts "Beyond the Frame" a turning point for my future practice...!
Bigger is not better and ‘The Sublime’ is so much more than an unforgiving bombardment of colour. C
Brian May the seeing blindman.... maybe it's time to consider all the senses?
Consistent or Inconsistent... the links between colour and emotion are strikingly similar!
Chromaesthesia Chimps ...no Cross-Modal Primates!
Covering all the emotions in my workshps with music "GEMS": wonder, transcendence, tendern
Abstract Art frees our brain from the dominance of reality, enabling the brain to flow ...
Art, Music and frontotemporal lobar degeneration.... science says it's important that patients e