Abstract Expressionism..... an audio disappointment.....a visual treat!!

October 9th 2016
Yesterday was a visit to the Abstract Expressionism exhibition at the RA. What a great way to access London, got a great little parking space in Red Lion Square….2 hours to pay then free all day (£8.00) I’ll be making good use of this on the North Side of the River…. The South side and the Tate etc….. is even easier…. And some streets completely free all day Saturday.

What was immediately clear about this exhibition was that the audio tour guide was not to my taste….. and having persevered for the first area of the gallery it needed to be switched off. Being made to feel that I was watching a documentary about Art…. and given irrelevant to an exhibition experience facts…Is not the way I want to experience the Art on the walls. Being free to think about the work in your own way is what it’s got to be about!!...Otherwise stay away / stay home!..... So my friends and I set about exploring and making comment that no doubt was ill informed….. but at least honest!
It’s always great to see that all these artists started at the Cubist Club…. Climbing through the hole that Picasso blew in modern Art….. to take paint colour and mark making to new place.
Hans Hoffman. Idolatress. I found this work packed a real punch...... one of the strongest in the exhibition.

The above was painted by Jackson Pollocks wife Lee Krasner, three years after his death in a car crash.