Georgia at the Tate Modern...and the confidence to simplify and leave canvas raw!

Georgia Okeefe at the Tate Modern. Georgia states” I see shapes in my head that I don’t know about….I see shapes…..” A statement that speaks volumes to me. To take inspiration from the emotion of something seen or heard or experienced was ultimately what she sought. Her frustration at feeling lost in her younger student days in New York, also speak volumes to me. She learnt about what she should be doing, thinking and feeling, but she never agreed with it deep within. She talks about doing this and that piece or painting to please him, her and them…. But wondered when the day would arrive that she could paint to please herself. She worked in Texas as a school art teacher, a place set up for her by her New York tutor and it was here that she made decisions to get out what she felt inside. Her decision was to work only in monotone until she had sorted things out….. colour was rejected as too much of a complication. I admire the bravery and determination to stick to her goal….. and indeed it paid off…. Though none of her decisions were about pay-off only the integrity of deep artistic expression.

(The recent article I read in the newspaper interviewing important contemporary artists all concur that the you can only stick to producing work in which you believe…. Never try to guess what others may want… (.. Deacon, Whiteread… ) be true to yourself!!)
It was a real revelation to me to discover Georgia’s love of Kandinsky…… and the link to music in her work. I suppose it that when dealing with issues of emotion…. Music/sound be an inevitable force….. Great emotional events are in our lives are underscored with musical expression.
The main reason for the visit was to inspire my neighbour, who has just begun to paint …. And who has a natural styles….somewhere between a fauvist and primitive native American/ Australian art. So, a day trip to the Tate was organised…. Imagine my wonder and joy at discovering so many new reasons as to why I had always( at a distance) loved this woman’s work!!
After looking closely …. For many hours at the work….. I took away the confidence to boldly leave areas of the work untouched….. Considered….. always considered….. but to leave raw canvas….. well this new aspect in my work…. I attribute to seeing this exhibition. Thank- you ~Georgia.