Messy Church... first experiments to further musicpainting in the community.

Background. Helen Jones works with the church as youth leader. I asked if she would like to use my ideas for Abstract painting. As a starting point she offered me Messey Church, an initiative to encourage the community to visit and perhaps get involved in the wealth of activities on offer.
The loose format of Messey Church is to have activities in the lower hall of the church that last about an hour, then a move up to the main body for a very informal service of singing songs a reading and prayer and afterwards a return to the lower hall for a food and refreshments. An event that lasts about 2 hours in total.
August bank holiday 2016
The first mess……. I prepared a space in an anti- room in the lower hall for 20 people. For the first attempt, I used canvas paper stuck to a drawing board and acrylic paint. I painted a large canvas as a teaching aid. I had selected music appropriate to the theme “Love”. Although a serving hatch links this room with the kitchen, there is no direct access to a sink. This was a concern but I had large bowls and bottles of water to deal with spillage dirty hands and fresh water for colour mixing. Helen doesn’t have a formal start to her session, so I had to deal with a staggered start and finish of enthusiastic parents and children.
The feedback to myself and Helen was extremely positive, however it was clear that there was much improvement to be made:
The session requires a formal introduction to explain the theme and how the materials should be used.This to avoid one mum coming in and instead of painting abstract shapes on the theme of love , she paintied Thomas the tank.Or to avoid the lovely freanch lady who allows her 3 year old to paint with her hands…. Fine, but not using acrylic!
When the activity was complete and the group had gone up to the main church, it was far too difficult a job to remove all the paintings from the boards for them to be taken home.4 adults did manage this but with clearing up and washing up, it was clear that a different system was required.
CONCLUSION. A great success to be built on!!
Canvas not paper. Work trays to contain palette water pot etc…. Formal start….. Plenary??