Swirly Whirly!...... the search for a blog title and project focus continues.

Thinking up more appropriate titles of the blog. I have decided that turn off the machines is not going to be well received in a hospital dialysis unit….. neither is bashing the biro….. these titles are amusing to the youngsters that seem to live on the computer sites…… but I need to stasy away from anything that could be offensive….. even if funny!!
So Bashing the Biro……. Could be changed to:
…..Busy Biro’s …. Serious Scribble…..Blogged Biro’s….. Devastating Doodles…..Automatic Art….. Pen pushing…… Kinaesthetic Asthetics….. Fidgety Fingers…
The Busy Biro…… Kinaesthetic Aestheitcs on the World Wide Web….. A fidgety Fingers Production!
Mindful Messing….. Language……. Shorthand………Symbols…..Communicate…..
Busy Biros….. The Fidgety Fingers Blog… Making a Mindful Mess…… Making Mindful Mysteries….Making Mindful Muddles
Baffles…… Busy Biros…… Blog
Making Mindful (Melody) Muddles….. A Blog for Busy Biros…. For fellows with Fidgety Fingers
A Busy Biro Bunch of Fidgety Fingers Making Mindful Muddles