Switch It Off... the first idea for an online presence!!

October 11th 2016
I have spent 2 hours being led on a wild goose chase of internet image and information whilst trying to work out how I am going to use this damn machine to further my work. I am an artist all who is passionate about manual production. When I worked in schools I had to teach a certain percentage of my lessons with computers. I battled with every other subject to get a few meaningful consecutive slots on the timetable. Art was such a low priority. The most interesting thing about this enforced use of computers was the reaction of the students. Instead of being happy when they were redirected to the computer suites they were infact really upset and the instruction was always met with loud jeers and protest. Students wanted the mess and dirt and ultimate joy that comes from getting your hands covered in Art.
Therefore, I have gone away from the machine, made tea and toast and in doing so had a bit of a revelation. I am going to call my account “Swich it Off” and I will invite anyone that is foolish enough to have encountered my site to do just that. I realise that the “blog” has to be more than just an unused empty space, so I am going to direct my followers to manually produce a creative work and upload the results for those times when we just have to trawl through the contents of everyone’s minds, families, homes, lives, workplaces and beliefs, and be really impressed that someone went and did something really important with their creative talent. What a snob you all say, but there you have it, an idea that fits with my beliefs and one that I believe will produce some really enjoyable results! (Not a bad morning’s work for a dinosaur!)
Now I am just going to check how many other persons have a site with the same name and idea. Fingers crossed (but still able to type )!