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Ysbyty Cwm Rhondda and first thoughts of developing painting into relief sculpture.

David Mackie   Andrew Rowe   Heather Parnell

October 14th 2016

I need to clarify the projects for Art Practice 2 and Professional Practice. My head is still too fuzzy and If I don’t have a fix on my direction, I’m going to get pulled into ways of working that exhaust me….. as is happening right now. I fall asleep and wake up in a fog of paintings and people and want to runaway from it all.

Yesterday we met with Heather at Ysbyty Cwm Rhonda. We had an enjoyable time touring the Art work on the entrances courtyards and walls. Heather had worked with the trust so she was able to give clear insight into how works had come about, including her own joint efforts on the two staircases. It became clear that when looking at Heather’s work that I need to research working in acrylic and aluminium as my paintings lend themselves to this medium , especially if I am to place work permanently to the interior or exterior of a building. The other research has to be into digital printing on wallpaper/plastic. There is an opportunity to bid on a small commission for the RG hospital in Newport. When I first read the brief I was put off that the area chosen for the work is a wall in a waiting room (fine) but hidden behind 4 chairs. The mural is to be painted…. But having seen digital wallpaper… I could submit a design that is self adhesive …. Which means any painting to be undertaken would not be in view of the public…… To bid …. And win a commission would be great experience so I’ll probably give it a go.

That said I still have to clarify exactly how I want to further the painting in the community so that I can resolve this with the demands of the MA course.

  • Individuals Paint at home. For this idea I would select from the group of friends that worked with me in Arts practise 1.The canvases would be larger. (50 x 50 cm2) There would be a choice of emotions and music from a cd that I would record from copyright free youtube videos.This group would be able to access technology and I would use facetime or skype to provide support and guidance.

  • Groups paint at the local Baptist church. For this idea I would timetable groups of 8 to spend an afternoon painting.The start of the sessions would be to reach a consensus on the emotion and music to be used.For some groups, the canvases would be

  1. Large.... and the group would be expected to take them home to complete and offered support via skype / facetime…. And booked into a further session in order to complete the work.

  2. Small..... and the members of the group as last year would complete in one session and offered the chance of more sessions or materials to try something at home

  • To use Ebenezer Chapel once a week for painting sessions.Discussions with Errol Heath, who has asked that I run an Art group.I would start with a choice of canvas sizes depending and change the emotion every two weeks.

  • To use the work produced at Messy Church. The paintings are currently completed in a hour and taken home.The work could be expanded and linked with the group I want to start weekly at Ebenezer Chapel.

  • Carers Group / Seniors Group.In the same vein as the Ebenezer Church group, I want to start a weekly painting group.I have attended 2 sessions of the Newport Forum and been invited to rum a session on Careres Day at Newport Centre.The newly appointed member of Newport Live may allow me a weekly slot.I must follow up on the request I have made

  • To run Weekly workshops starting in Fields Care Home (Altyryn).This would use the small canvases and trays etc that I use for Messy Church.There are issues with working in a space with out access to fresh water.

  • Royal Gwent.To Meet with lead Haematologist Consultant Chris Jenkins about the possibility of working in the Mediacal day unit with patients who are having all day / half day transfusions

  • Putting in the Bid for the Childreans Orthopedic Mural

For all these ideas I must collate a postcard size example book ( probably via snapfish ) Maybe reproduce my own book of paintings 1 – 10, to give the group ideas. Maybe using the wax crayon examples from the carers group.


Follow up email about Carers Day….. also find out about Seniors Day???


There is clearly too much going on…… too many possibilities….. I think it better to narrow it down to the Church….. start an adult group that links with Messy Church and the youth….. and see where that goes??..... Focus Arts Practise 2 around this and nothing else???

Sit with this idea….. and come back to it tomorrow……

Also think about the title for the Bashing the Biro Blog….Also Switch Off the Machine….. this wouldn’t be proper in the Medical day Unit where so many rely on things being switched on to stay alive……. RETHINK!!!

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