“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a

I like this quotation. My 'out there' hypothesis about a new language contained in 'musicpainting' is a little farfetched. Then a quotation jumps out at you that strengthens resolve and the right we all have to believe in the unbelievable. In my practise as a painter “intuition” is a key ingredient to achieving a feeling of wellbeing. I need to delve into the current knowledge about the mind to discover why “musicpainting” has such a powerfully positive affect on me and the people I encourage to practice making art in this way. I want to know more about: the brain and what ‘seeing’ and colour is all about; why “making things special”, making artworks is so important; how music and hearing affects our emotions and the links between all of these in our everyday lives to achieve “flow”, aka....happiness!