More ideas for my online presence. http://rumandraisin.co/doodle-art-50-great-examples/
Oct 12th 2016 A few more fuzzy thoughts whilst lying in bed. The tumblr blog (or Wordpress….. I really have to investigate this and make...

Switch It Off... the first idea for an online presence!!
October 11th 2016 I have spent 2 hours being led on a wild goose chase of internet image and information whilst trying to work out how I...

Abstract Expressionism..... an audio disappointment.....a visual treat!!
October 9th 2016 Yesterday was a visit to the Abstract Expressionism exhibition at the RA. What a great way to access London, got a...

Georgia at the Tate Modern...and the confidence to simplify and leave canvas raw!
Georgia Okeefe at the Tate Modern. Georgia states” I see shapes in my head that I don’t know about….I see shapes…..” A statement that...